Do you live alone and feel lonely or unhappy? Do you think you may live alone before long? If yes, this post aims to help you learn how to enjoy a happier and more purposeful life living alone.
You probably live alone because of unfortunate marriage, special family situation, unexpected life circumstance, or individual preference. It doesn’t matter. You are not alone! Many people in the world live alone. A good number of them have chosen to live alone and are enjoying their lives. When you consciously make changes in your life, you can have a joyful life too.
Humans are social beings who thrive in loving relationships which give them a fulfilling life. In fact, all humans need love. It is hard nowadays for many to find a compatible partner to share life together. But there is a perfect person who loves you dearly and is always there with you. That is YOU. This loving relationship begins when you learn to truly love yourself.
Love yourself because you are a really special human being worthy of love and kindness. We are all precious and worthy. Don’t believe what other people and your society say about you otherwise.
While you have no control of any love you get from other people, you have complete control of how much love you give yourself. When you have the right perspective about life and yourself, only you alone are needed to live your life happily.
It is great to have someone else to enjoy life with you. But when you don’t resonate with that person in many aspects of life, it creates more headache, stress, challenge, and issue instead of joy and peace for you.
Living alone has wonderful benefits that you don’t have when living or being with another person. You have complete freedom to do what you want, to please just you, not anyone else. It allows you to explore life and do things you truly love without the need to go along with someone else’s ‘right” ideas or activities that you don’t agree or enjoy. There are no more complaint, argument, compromise, and conflict with a partner, family member, friend, or anybody at home.
Being alone frees up more time for you to learn more about yourself, your feelings, emotions, values, dreams, and life itself. You accomplish more in life of what you value the most. It is important that you realize and intentionally embrace the benefits in order to treasure your time alone.
To have more joy in life, practice positive, uplifting, and empowering thinking. Find things you enjoy doing and do them daily. Engage in each activity consciously to fully experience it with joy. Keep yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually “busy” at a leisurely pace.
Do creative activities such as writing, singing, dancing, cooking, gardening, and connecting with nature. Volunteer your time to help and love others. Praise and thank yourself often. Always forgive yourself.
Look for beauty in everything – there’s plenty on Earth. Be like a little kid who loves to have fun and giggle at almost everything. Have a good sense of humor and often talk to yourself playfully and joyfully.
Spend more quality time with family members and close friends you have. Take care of your physical and emotional health. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Try your best to stay away from negative, depressing people and news.
There is another post “A Simple Life is a Happy Life” on this website. It has more information and help on how to live a happier life.
Pets like dogs and cats are special animals to have around when you are financially able to adopt one or two. They are excellent companions at home to love, care for, bond, and spend time with. Your pet loves you unconditionally and is there with you through thick and thin. You talk and it “listens”. Not like a human, it doesn’t complain, criticize, or talk back. You have more joy in life by learning, knowing, experiencing a relationship with an amazing being from the animal kingdom. Despite the extra work you do to care for its needs, it’s well worth it.
When a feeling or thought of loneliness comes up, remind yourself how special you are and the benefits of living alone. Keep your mind occupied with positive thoughts. Don’t dwell on anything negative. Get yourself focus on doing things which make you feel good or happy.
As you love yourself more and bring joyful activities to your life, you naturally feel less lonely. You begin to enjoy living and being alone. You will be amazed at your own ability and power to become happier and more independent, not depending on anyone and their approval.
In turn it improves your relationships with other people because your love of yourself extends and expands to your love of others. You attract more of the same loving, kind people to your life, and begin new desirable, congenial, fulfilling relationships.
You are valued and loved by many compassionate, lovely human beings and those beyond. If you are not a spiritual person, explore spirituality and find the truth of your purpose and the origin of life. Learn who you really are. You may be astonished to know your true magnificence and the possibilities of what you can become in the wonderful universe of love and light. There is no one like you in the entire universe.
Send to you all love, joy, and peace from my heart. When you gain the power of knowing how to enjoy a happy life living alone, there is no limit to what you can accomplish in life. Have a new, happier, changed life!