people united

What Is the Great World Awakening?

Do you feel many things in the world today are going wrong and getting strange? If you don’t know what the Great Awakening or World Awakening or Truth Movement is, you are now introduced to a simple version of it from my understanding and point of view.

When I first heard the news media saying the Truth Movement was a “conspiracy theory” back in 2020, I believed it and thought what the movement represented was untrue. So, I stayed away from learning more about it.

Covid-19 “Pandemic” has changed everything for me. Reading more and doing more research, I became horrified by what I learned. The evidence indicates it is not a conspiracy theory. The revelations are shocking and very likely real. And I began my journey of the Great World Awakening.

The Great World Awakening affects everyone in the world and the future of humanity. Do you and I have the heart and courage to accept the truth even if it means facing fearful consequences, including being ridiculed, rejected by our beloved family, friends, and others, or even death?

What Has the World Awakened?

Most of the people in the western world think we live in democratic countries and therefore have freedom. Is it really? Many believe our democratic governments have the citizens’ best interests at heart, improving our well-being and making our lives better. Is it true? Obviously, no. We continue to have worse astronomical national debts, government corruption, inflation, poverty, ill health, drug addiction, homelessness, serious crimes, social conflicts, wars, etc.

What if the truth was these social, economic, and physical ills, and divisions of the world happened by design, a scheme orchestrated by some very evil people for hundreds if not thousands of years? This is the truth that a great many decent, hardworking, freedom-loving citizens all over the world have awakened to. Some people have awakened for decades and a good many done so since 2017.

A worldwide truth movement in late 2017 began when Q posted the first series of about 5,000 messages online, giving high-level secrets and asking great questions. Numerous people followed the messages. Many of them did thorough research to find the truth behind the messages and the answers to these questions. Then they spread and shared their findings and analysis across the internet.

It is believed Q is a top-level military intelligence group aiming to inform the public about the true realities of the world, which are far different from what we believe and know about our world. President Trump may have some connection with Q.

The information revealed from the Q messages and the research done by the Q followers is monumental and consequential.

It is discovered that the world has been politically and financially ruled by a group of behind-the-scenes bankers and elites known as the cabal. This means they control world finance, the United Nations, World Health Organization, nearly all of our governments, medical and scientific institutions, huge corporations, stock markets, the mainstream and social media, internet search engines, Hollywood, public schools and universities, non-profits, religious organizations, and others.

When even presidents, prime ministers, legislators, judges, and other top government officials of the world become their puppets and do their bidding, imagine the enormous power they have in influencing societies and manipulating what average people know and how we think and act.

Also revealed are the horrific crimes committed by the cabal, their minions, and the Deep State against ordinary people and humanity, which are unthinkable, monstrous, and hideous, especially against children worldwide. It is the biggest secret, criminal society of the world.

Think of terrorist acts including 9/11, unending wars, child/human/drug trafficking, fake pandemics, pharmaceutical/vaccine scams, fake news, election frauds, censorship, depopulation agenda, the LGBTQIA+ agenda, sex-change surgeries for children, critical race theory, blackmail, murders, and “suicide” of people exposing or obstructing them. What if all of these were parts of their scheme to make fortune, divide the world, mind control people, create public fear, destroy families, weaken societies, and so on, in order to achieve their evil ambition of total world control?

Does it make sense that there are ongoing conflicts, wars, and tensions among nations, races, ethnicities, religions, genders, and classes in the world when most humans are good-natured and peace loving?

Why did almost all countries take the same drastic measures, like lockdown with dangerous consequences, to handle Covid-19 when better solutions and more effective ways were readily available? When ordinary citizens allowed their freedom to be taken away by their governments in the name of “emergency”, mainly because of media and government censorship, how many more “emergencies” would come again to keep them in fear and under control? Is “climate change emergency” or something else is next?

The community of Q followers has been viciously attacked by the mainstream media, calling it “QAnon” and reporting it as crazy, “completely false” political conspiracy theory. When you heard it, did that keep you from asking or talking about it so you didn’t get laughed at? I did.

Look at how the media reported news or attacked QAnon and any other important issues. Did they tell you their views as “facts” and make the conclusions for you so you didn’t need to think for yourself? Did they tell you what the opposite sides of facts or views were and let you decide what was real? An unbiased reporter gives you the real facts without opinions, for you to decide what actually happened.

What if the mainstream media reported lies as facts and exploited your emotions to influence you? Is it probable they gave the public only information chosen to advance their malevolent agenda, and hid the real facts from them? Did the media tell you what actually happened in the Lahaina fire of Maui, Ukraine, and so on? Why did they all have the same talking points, as if they were from higher-ups and purposely scripted to control public beliefs? How about all the TV programs you watch every day, and have your moral values, beliefs, and world views been influenced by them?

Is it possible the media turned President Trump into a monster, hated by the left and the uninformed public, by manipulation of facts, lies, attacks, and character assassination? What if the bad and illegal things Trump was accused of doing were actually not committed by Trump but by the accusers or those in the opposing party, intending to defame and discredit Trump, and also distract the public from learning about their own evil? From the evidence seen, President Trump is likely a benevolent, compassionate, upright, highly intelligent and capable, patriotic, and self-sacrificing leader.

If the huge media corporations, together with our educational systems, were really the brainwashing arm of the cabal, the attacks on Trump and their mind control reporting to the masses would be logical and expected. The cabal don’t allow you to think critically so they can control you. What they fear the most is the general public know the truth, and their deception and lies are being exposed.

A covert war between the good militaries and the cabal/minions/Deep State may be going on right now. Our world is in an informational and psychological warfare between good and evil. Learn the truth and do your share to fight evil instead of each other. An awakened, undivided, united world population means the end of their deceit and world domination.

Who Do You Believe?

How do you decide what is true when any person/institution can deceive, lie, or just unknowingly pass inaccurate information to you? We know there were people who deceived or lied for personal gains and other wicked purpose. Each human has unique background and therefore different viewpoints on many things. After all, the world and internet are full of people with various, contradictory opinions and beliefs.

Almost all of us from childhood were taught by family, school, media, and society to trust authorities and experts. Have you blindly followed the directions of your government, doctor, or other authority figure without asking any questions? What if these “authorities” were indoctrinated, selected, and controlled by the evil ones?

Life is busy for many, many people. Most of them are in survival mode. “Thanks” to the cabal. Have you had time to look into the opposing views and facts against these authorities, especially during the Covid-19 era?

With AI and advanced technology, it is not hard nowadays to create a fake video, audio, and photo. How do we know what is real? Deceits, lies, opinions, and beliefs are often portrayed as facts and truths.

Who do you believe? Do you trust those who are rich and powerful and have the means to effect large-scale influence and control, or the ordinary, critical-thinking, good people of the world who have awakened or worked numerous hours researching to find the truth and exposed the frauds?

Average, hardworking, decent folks usually have good common sense from their life experiences. They can tell the truth when they have time thinking things over and learning more, and are willing to admit making mistakes.

There are two sides to every argument. The world and beyond is immense and contains vast knowledge. We hardly know the tip of the iceberg, let alone know it all. Certainly, we don’t have the knowledge and time to understand and discern all truths.

To decide what is real, we go inside our heart and conscience. This is the best way to know the truth in this complex world. Don’t let fear cloud your judgment. Any decision we make from listening to our heart usually gives us feelings of inner love, peace, and harmony, and is often the truth.

Any thought, action, or belief that emanates love, light, freedom, compassion, unity, peace, or service to others for the highest good is from the heart and truth. Whereas any teaching, saying, action, news, mass media, or policy that leads to fear, censorship, slavery, strife, division, conflict, or war among individuals and nations is not so.


Please ponder these words, do research, and make your own decision. The awakened ones are hopeful you choose freedom and light. Join the world peacefully against the darkness for yourself, your family, and future generations. Humanity needs you to do your part.

We may not know for sure what the realities of the world are until the final disclosure of the major, important, true facts. Keep an open mind. Humbly accept the possibilities and probabilities of all unthinkable things in this world and universe, including free energy, med beds, and other advanced technologies from benevolent extraterrestrials to benefit humanity.

It seems the light may be winning this war. What is currently happening might be slowly waking up the masses, so humanity could enter an amazing new Earth with peace, prosperity, and freedom for all. No more war, poverty, and slavery! We wish that this day would come soon as many more people wake up every day. Be hopeful and prepared so you won’t be shocked if big or horrifying worldwide events happen before the possible coming of a new world. Love, light, and peace to all of you.